Do you know what motion sickness glasses are?
Basically, they’re googly-eye glasses with two holes to look out of, and two holes on either side of each eye. Side holes protect the wearer’s peripheral vision from becoming sensitive to motion, which can cause dizziness and sickness. There are no lenses in these glasses, however. They resynchronize their eyes as they move by using a leveling liquid instead.
According to a Netizen online, she suffers from sea sickness and it can get really severe when she is enclosed in a room without windows. She feels dizzy, my chest feels compressed, and she feels like throwing up a little bit. So when her family decided to do a yacht day, she knew she had to do something about it. She chanced upon these glasses on TikTok and bought them off Shopee.
This actually works for her, she says. Her motion sickness didn’t feel as terrible and, in fact, her mum who doesn’t have sea sickness had it worse than her.
Her perception was that these glasses translated the yacht’s motion visibly. More often than not, she feels sick because what she sees is not how she feels – she sees that the yacht isn’t moving, but she senses that it’s in fact moving. The dissonance makes her uncomfortable. These glasses definitely help with that.
She recommends trying these glasses if you don’t mind looking quirky for a bit. You may purchase from this Shopee link.
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(Credits: Yockie Dokie, Lemon8, fruugo)