If you’re considering adopting a pet or simply wish to gain more knowledge about protecting animals. You can stay up to date on the latest pet news and trends with a variety of Pets Telegram groups and channels in Singapore.
There are even good deals with extra savings on pet supplies in these groups and channels. Isn’t that already an excellent idea to be in such a community?
To save you time, we have compiled a list so you don’t have to Google… Here are useful Pets Telegram Groups and Channels in Singapore:
1) SG Pets Discussion – @gwtpets
Share about your pets and Q&A related to your pets.
2) Pets Chatroom – @petsavailableinSingapore
Welcome, all pet lovers to share, look/buy/sell all pet/pet-related stuff in this group.
3) Shopee Pets Squad – @shopeepets
Subscribe to this channel & be the first to hear about Shopee’s latest pet deals, exclusive discounts, giveaways & much more!
4) SG Pets Group – @sgpetsgrp
If Pet’s Lifehacks, Deals & News are what you always look up to, then Subscribe to this channel. Exclusive Tips, pet news in Sg, pet deals, exclusive discounts, giveaways & more!
5) Pets/Livestock Buy Sell SG – @PetsLivestocksBuySellSG
A group for Aquarium Lovers and Fish Hobbyist
6) Yappy Pets – @yappypetssg
Pets Products, wait for good deals here
7) SG Rabbits – @SGRabbits
Group for Bunny Owners to share, care and help. You can share about your little fur ball, ur rabbit’s problems, recommendations, or even help others in need. Do feel free to even sell your products for bunnies.
8) SG Rodents – @rodents
Hey, all rodent lovers fall in now! This is a telegram group dedicated to all rodent lovers including Chinchilla, hamsters, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, etc
9) SingaPaw: SG Dog’s Life – @SingaPaw
Welcome to SingaPaw: SG Dog’s Life where we’ll share all about the latest Deals, Events, and Activities for all your doggie needs.
10) Save the Chickenese Singapore – @chickenese
Mainly a group for saving chickens but you may feel free to trade fowl tips.
11) SG ParrotDise – @ParrotDise
SG ParrotDise for Parrots parents to share knowledge on our fellow Fids!
(Credits: barbaraobrien)
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